UltraVNC Website Redevelopment

The UltraVNC Website was developed by the core developer of UltraVNC over several years. It served its purpose at the time, and is a credit to its creator. The problem is, that the website is outdated, and is rather confusing. It needed a way of being updated quickly, easily and remotely. A CMS (Content Management System) was decided as the best option.

The successful CMS required the following:

  • Currently under Development
  • Large Community with many plugins & Support
  • User Friendly & Search Engine Friendly URL’s
  • Caching system to save high CPU, memory & mysql usage

Myself and other members of the forum have used Joomla CMS several times before, and it definetly ticks all the above boxes. We setup a Joomla! test site that we can use to start copying content from the old site, and eventually, this will allow several people to maintain the website, update as required, and submit new articles for approval as required.

The Main requirements for the project are:

  • The Design of the website should remain similar to the current one.
  • The Design shall maintain the current locations for the advertisments, as they earn money to help pay for hosting fees & continued project developement.
  • The final product shall not require too much system resources from the dedicated server, allowing for peak usage periods.

We Created a Design that deviated somewhat from the origianl website design, but that we felt created a more professional feel.