Category: Web App Development

  • Make PHP’s $_POST data more secure

    we are providing an alternative function to the $_GET vavriable, which returns the same data after filtering (sanitizing) it. Explainations are below, but here is the function …

  • Make PHP’s $_GET data more secure

    we are providing an alternative function to the $_GET vavriable, which returns the same data after filtering (sanitizing) it. Explainations are below, but here is the function …

  • Icons for webpages using Font-Awesome

    Font-Awesome allow the web-designer or developer to quickly insert some unicode to insert an icon, or use CSS to insert it wherever required after the development is done (provided the developer allowed for this by labelling each section of the HTML appropriately.

  • Web Accessibility

    Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of making websites usable by people of all abilities and disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, all users can have equal access to information and functionality. It is an important aspect of a company’s web presence, and can have a profound impact on their user-base…